Discussions on the Use of Information Technology (IT) in the Context of English Language Teaching (ELT) in Indonesia

The PKBBIT course in Indonesia trains prospective English teachers in IT-based language instruction. Although IT is only a tool in this process, its correct utilization can enhance among students their language skills, as evidenced by research (Anand et al., 2020). Other key aspects include fostering communication, promoting interaction, and considering students’ educational experiences.

Assignment 3 for PKBBIT Course

PKBBIT (Pengembangan Keterampilan Bahasa Berbasis IT), or IT-based Language Creativity Development course, in Indonesia, has important aspects to learn and recognize by Indonesian students who wish to become English teachers. Indonesians who serve as English teachers in Indonesia should know that IT is only a tools. It is not the purpose of teaching and learning activities.

The following quotation signifies important points.

“Technology is an effective tool for learners. Learners must use technology as a significant part of their learning process. Teachers should model the use of technology to support the curriculum so that learners can increase the true use of technology in learning their language skills” (Anand, RishuRaj, Sinha, Kumar, & Raj, 2020, p. 1573).

What would be your feedback on the following phrases: 1) “model the use of technology”; 2) “the true use of technology”? What do the two phrases mean to you, based on the passage above?

In the section on the growth of ELT (English Language Teaching) through Information Technology, the author emphasizes “the age of globalization and [it] is important to learn various foreign languages and the English language come first” (Anand, RishuRaj, Sinha, Kumar, & Raj, 2020, p. 1575).

Promoting students’ communication capacity and increasing mutual interaction between teacher and students are important in the classroom that use technology too much (Anand, RishuRaj, Sinha, Kumar, & Raj, 2020). Interaction becomes essential. In this case, there are two modes of teaching-learning in the classroom: 1) teacher-centered; 2) student-centered. Based on your individual learning experience since elementary school up to senior high school, which mode that you observe as the dominant one? Why is that?

The next question would be your educational experience. After finishing senior high school, what would be the most important thing you need to grow or learn more, in terms of your English skills? Why is that? Then, as you are now a university student, what would be the crucial aspect that you want to achieve for your English skills?

Please write your responses in the comments section below. Also, please use good and clear written English so your readers can grasp the meaning and message of your writing.


Anand, A., RishuRaj, Sinha, R., Kumar, P., & Raj, A. (2020). Information Technology in ELT (English Language Teaching). International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills, 2(4), 1569-1583.

Penelitian Berbasis Kritik Sastra (Literary Criticism as Research Endeavour)

Informasi ini berguna bagi mahasiswa jurusan sastra yang berada di bawah ruang lingkup Fakultas Ilmu Budaya yang ada di universitas-universitas di Indonesia.

Model, Pendekatan, dan Teori di Penelitian berbasis Kritik Sastra*   

Kritik Sastra, atau yang disebut juga sebagai Literary Criticism, menjadi penelitian tersendiri di bidang Humaniora, yang pada pelaksanaannya berlandaskan kepada Penelitian Kualitatif. Kritik Sastra menjadi sebuah model atau bentuk penelitian yang berada di ranah Penelitian Kualitatif, khusus bidang Humaniora. Pendekatan dalam hal ini adalah cara seorang peneliti di dalam menganalisa karya sastra. Tentu saja, teknik analisa data dan pendekatan yang dilakukan perlu merujuk kepada teori relevan yang digunakan. Oleh karena adanya metodologis tersendiri yang diimplementasikan di penelitian Sastra, maka Penelitian Kesusastraan juga bisa termasuk ke dalam penelitian ilmiah dengan tujuan utama yaitu menganalisa karya sastra, berupa puisi, novel, cerpen, drama, prosa, lirik lagu, dan film.

Informasi di bawah ini berguna bagi mahasiswa jurusan sastra yang berada di bawah ruang lingkup Fakultas Ilmu Budaya yang ada di universitas-universitas di Indonesia.

Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev on Pexels.com

A. Penelitian Kesusastraan Tingkat Makro: Pendekatan Ekstrinsik

Kritik Pragmatis (Pragmatic Criticism)

  • Impressionist Criticism
  • Rhetorical Criticism
  • Reader-Response Criticism

Kritik Ekspresif (Expressive Criticism)

  • Biographical Criticism
  • Psychoanalytic Criticism

Kritik Mimetik (Mimetic Criticism)

  • Humanist / Moral Criticism
  • Archetypal / Myth Criticism
  • Historical Criticism
  • Socio-Political Criticism (Sociology of Literature)
  • Marxist Criticism
  • New Historicism
  • Feminist Criticism
  • Race Criticism
  • Cultural Criticism
  • Postcolonial Criticism
  • Ecocriticism

B. Penelitian Kesusastraan Tingkat Mikro: Pendekatan Intrinsik

Kritik Objektif (Objective Criticism)

  • Structuralism
  • Formalism
  • New Criticism
  • Neo-Classicism
  • Semiotics
  • Stylistics
  • Deconstruction

Pendekatan-Pendekatan Umum di Penelitian Kesusastraan tingkat Sarjana, Magister, atau Doktoral

  • Formalism
  • Structuralism
  • Semiotics
  • Stylistics
  • New Criticism
  • Deconstruction
  • Postcolonial Criticism
  • Feminist Criticism
  • Marxist Criticism
  • Sociology of Literature
  • Historical Criticism
  • Archetypal Criticism
  • Moral Criticism
  • Psychoanalytic Criticism
  • Reader-Response Criticism
Photo by Mohammad Danish on Pexels.com

Bahan Bacaan Umum tentang Kesusastraan, Penelitian Kesusastraan, dan Penelitian Kualitatif

  • (Teeuw, 1988)
  • (Endraswara, 2003)
  • (Cresswell, 2002)
  • (Danim, 2002)
  • (Little, 1963)
  • (Masyarakat Poetika Indonesia, 2001)
  • (Lodge, 1988)
  • (Suguhastuti, 2002)
  • (Scott, 1962)
  • (Segers, 2000)
  • (Chapman, 1973)
  • (Barnet, 2003)
  • (Moleong, 2005)
  • (Ratna, 2004)
  • (Guerin, 1999)
  • (Selden, 1992)
  • (Long, 1950)
  • (Carter & McRae, 1997)
  • (Mullik, 1969)
  • (Roberts, 1999)
  • (Suwondo, 2003)


Tulisan ini diadaptasi dari bahan perkuliahan saya dulu sewaktu belajar di mata kuliah Literary Research Method (ENG 441) di Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Andalas, di Semester Ganjil, Tahun Akademik 2006/2007. Dosen pengampu adalah Bapak Drs. Ferdinal, M.A.

Daftar Kepustakaan

  • Barnet, S. (2003). A Short Guide to Writing about Literature. New York: Longman.
  • Carter, R., & McRae, J. (1997). The Routledge History of Literature in English. New York: Routledge.
  • Chapman, R. (1973). Linguistics and Literature. New York: Adward Arnold.
  • Cresswell, J. W. (2002). Research Design. (KIK-UI, Trans.) Jakarta: KIK-Press.
  • Danim, S. (2002). Menjadi Peneliti Kualitatif. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.
  • Endraswara, S. (2003). Metodologi Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama.
  • Guerin, W. L. (1999). A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature (4th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Little, G. (1963). Approach to Literature. Sydney: Science Press.
  • Lodge, D. (Ed.). (1988). Modern Criticism and Theory. London: Longman.
  • Long, W. J. (1950). English Literature. New York: Ginn.
  • Masyarakat Poetika Indonesia. (2001). Metodologi Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: Hanindita.
  • Moleong, L. J. (2005). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif (Revised edition ed.). Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.
  • Mullik, B. R. (1969). English Literature: Its Background and Development . Delhi: S. Chand & Co. .
  • Ratna, N. K. (2004). Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
  • Roberts, E. V. (1999). Writing about Literature. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Scott, W. S. (1962). Five Approaches of Literary Criticism. New York: Collier.
  • Segers, R. T. (2000). Evaluasi Teks Sastra. (S. A. Sayuti, Trans.) Yogyakarta: Adicita.
  • Selden, R. (1992). The Theory of Criticism. England: Longman Group UK Limited.
  • Suguhastuti. (2002). Teori dan Apresiasi Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
  • Suwondo, T. (2003). Studi Sastra: Beberapa Alternatif. Yogyakarta: Hanindita.
  • Teeuw, A. (1988). Sastra dan Ilmu Sastra. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya.

Silakan tuliskan pertanyaan Anda di bagian komentar bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan terkait topik di atas.

Proses Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan Teknologi pada tingkat Dasar dan Menengah

Konsep Integrated E-Learning dan Challenges of the Technology Use in Classrooms

Di mata kuliah Pengembangan Keterampilan Bahasa Berbasis IT, kita telah mempelajari bahwa istilah integrated e-learning mengacu kepada konsep pembelajaran yang dilakukan di satuan pendidikan tingkat sekolah dasar dan menengah. Kali ini, kita akan berdiskusi tentang Assignment 2 berikut ini.

Photo by Designecologist on Pexels.com

Kutipan berikut ini menjelaskan tentang konsep integrated e-learning:

“Integrated e-learning therefore typically tries to combine elements from face-to-face teaching, distance education, and training on the job. Thus it is a media mix, that is to say, a mix of methods, each having certain characteristics in terms of costs, availability, effectiveness, efficiency, appeal, and so forth on the one hand, but a coherent one on the sense that the specific combination of methods is the result of a systematic design procedure on the other”

(Jochems, Merrienboer, & Koper, 2004)

Pertanyaan pertama adalah: What can you conclude about integrated e-learning?

Berikutnya, kita juga membahas tentang Principles of Technology Use in Educational Settings. Dalam hal Choosing Materials, ada empat level pelajar ELL (English Language Learners) yang perlu diperhatikan oleh guru: Level 1; Level 2; Level 3; and Level 4.

Maka, pertanyaan ke dua untuk bisa kita diskusikan yaitu:

Which level of the ELL that you might think is appropriate for the classroom of the EFL teachers that use tools that combine the learning of reading and writing skills? Why? 

Photo by Julia M Cameron on Pexels.com

Berkaitan dengan topik yang kita bahas tentang Challenges of the Technology Use in Classrooms, kita bisa mengetahui ada beberapa hal tantangan berikut ini (Erben, Ban, & Castaneda, 2009):

  • Technical difficulties
  • The issue of quality and appropriateness
  • Students as the critical agents for whatever they read online
  • Correct meaning over the ambiguity
  • Rules surrounding the use of IT
  • The point of classroom control
  • Pedagogically sound teaching plan for content-area class

Muncul pertanyaan ke tiga yang bisa kita diskusikan, yaitu:

Based on the list of items of challenges above, which challenge might be the most challenging one for teachers of English in Indonesia? Why is that?

Silakan dituliskan jawaban Anda di bagian komentar di bawah ini dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.  

Daftar Rujukan

  • Erben, T., Ban, R., & Castaneda, M. (2009). Teaching English Language Learners through Technology. New York and London: Routledge (Taylor& Francis Group).
  • Jochems, W., Merrienboer, J. v., & Koper, R. (Eds.). (2004). Integrated E-Learning: Implications for Pedagogy, Technology and Organization. London and New York: RoutledgeFalmer (Taylor& Francis Group).

Pembelajaran E-Learning yang Terintegrasi di Tingkat Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah

  • Mata Kuliah: Pengembangan Keterampilan Bahasa Berbasis IT
  • 2 SKS, Semester Ganjil 2023/2024
  • Dosen pengampu: Syayid Sandi Sukandi, S.S., M.A.

Agenda: Respon Mahasiswa terhadap Bacaan 1 dan Mensintesis Informasi

Dikdasmen adalah singkatan dari Pendidikan tingkat Dasar dan Menengah.

Pelajar Indonesia yang berada di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, perlu memahami bahwa sebelum menempuh pendidikan ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi, perlu menempuh pendidikan tingkat dasar dan menengah terlebih dahulu. Hal ini dianggap perlu karena pola pendidikan yang perlu diterapkan secara bertahap, dari tingkatan yang paling dasar, menengah, hingga ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Di semester ganjil 2023/2024, mahasiswa Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris, di Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Imam Bonjol, diberikan muatan pembelajaran yang berbasis kepada konsep e-learning yang terintegrasi antara pedagogi, teknologi, dan organisasi atau kelembagaan. Mahasiswa berdiskusi tentang konsep-konsep yang terkait dengan muatan pembelajaran tersebut.

Salah satu pernyataan yang menarik untuk didiskusikan lebih lanjut adalah pernyataan yang dapat dibaca di kutipan berikut ini:  

“…how an integrated approach to e-learning can cope with the societal and technological changes and move in the direction of complex learning, high flexibility, and integration of learning and working. Such an integrated approach has to fulfill three critical conditions for innovation. First, integrated e-learning always has to take pedagogical, technical, and organizational aspects into account in order to be successful. Second, it is critical to take a systems design perspective on education, meaning that it might be necessary to mix Web-based instruction with face-to-face instruction, written self-study materials, or other media in order to maximize the effectiveness, efficiency, and appeal of integrated e-learning. It cannot simply ‘replace’ other types of learning but should be seen as an integral part of the larger educational system. And third, integrated e-learning should always be student-centred in order to deal with a diverse, widely distributed set of learners who need to learn and transfer complex skills to an increasingly varied set of real-world contexts and settings” (Jochems dkk. 2).

Kutipan di atas memberikan informasi bahwa proses pembelajaran berbasis e-learning menuju kepada sebuah proses pembelajaran yang kompleks, kelenturan pola belajar yang tinggi, dan adanya integrase antara pembelajaran di sekolah atau universitas, dengan dunia kerja. Ada tiga kondisi yang perlu dipenuhi agar proses pembelajaran e-learning bisa tercapai. Apa saja tiga kondisi tersebut? Lalu, bagaimana respon mahasiswa terhadap proses pembelajaran berbasis e-learning bisa dibandingkan dengan proses pembelajaran yang tradisional?

Silakan dituliskan respon atau pendapat Anda di bagian komentar pada postingan ini. Jangan lupa untuk menyertakan nama lengkap, NIM, dan sesi di mana Anda terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa.    

Works Cited

Jochems, Wim, dkk. “An Introduction to Integrated E-Learning.” Integrated E-Learning: Implications for Pedagogy, Technology, and Organization, RoutledgeFalmer, 2004.

AE6 Grant from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia

In the academic year of 2016/2017, I received AE6 Grant from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. AE6 stands for Academic English 6. This post shows good notes on the grant period.

These pictures were pictures of happiness when I joined Academic English for Research (AE6) at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. I received a grant to study in the AE6 course.

It took almost 200 hours, with the price reaching twenty million rupiahs. I didn’t have to pay at all.

A picture with the AE6 Instructor (Dr. Aurora Murphy)

In the photo, you can see that I stood next to the instructor of the course. Her name is Dr. Aurora Murphy. She is an Australian citizen. A friendly instructor. I was so fortunate to study with her.

This program was initially supported by Professor Lesley at UTS. Professor Lesley assigned me to join. It was conducted from 2016-2017.

I planned to apply for a Ph.D. at the University of Technology Sydney with the plan to travel to Australia in 2018.

Unfortunately, I faced a little drama at the previous workplace that made me reluctantly had to postpone my agenda.

However, up to this day, I still remember what Dr. Aurora taught me and my classmates.

A farewell lunch with Dr. Aurora Murphy at a Mall in Depok, closer to Universitas Indonesia

Such a memorable experience! As a result, I received a Distinction level for the Academic English for Research program.

Thank you, Dr. Aurora! 🙂🙏🏼
Perhaps, one day, I can be in Australia! Aamiin… 🤲🏼